As you can tell I'm very excited.. no matter how old I get, Christmas will always be my favourite time of year.
Basically, I've seen 'The Christmas Tag' done by other bloggers recently, and thought why not hop on the bandwagon and get my readers into the Christmas spirit as well!
3,2,1, begin!
1) Do you prefer a real/synthetic Christmas tree? Hmm well I do like the smell of a real tree but to have in my living room, I think I'd rather go with synthetic as I don't like having needles all over the floor, plus they're reusable!
2) You're in a coffee shop, its December, what do you order?
It has to be a nice warm hot chocolate!
3) What's your favourite colour scheme to decorate the Christmas tree?
I usually go for the traditional red and green but sometimes go for gold and silver as well. If I had to say my favourite I'd say red and green.
4) Do you prefer to give or receive gifts?
Ooh, this ones a toughie. I really cant chose between these as I'll sound so selfish if I say receive, as I'm a sucker for gifts. However, I do love the warm fuzzy feeling you get when seeing someone delighted with your present. I'm gunna say both!
5) Do you like mince pies?
Nooo, as much as I try to enjoy them, I can't.
6) What's your favourite Christmas lunch?
Again, going with the tradition, it can't be anything but a roast! Consisting of turkey/chicken, roast potatoes, veg, (yes, including sprouts) and sometimes even yorkshire puddings. All topped off with gravy.. yum!
7) What's your Christmas day fashion?
I normally either just stay in my pjs, or put on some comfy leggings and a baggy, woolly jumper as I wont be leaving the house all day. Fun fact: I've never owned a Christmas jumper! I really want one for this year though, but not sure if its worth the money as I'll only be wearing it for like 1-2 days a year.. haha do you guys think I should get one?
8) What's your favourite Christmas song?
I love Mariah Carey's 'All I Want For Christmas Is You', whenever I hear it on the radio I know its Christmas time! I also like 'Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas', as it just reminds me of my childhood. I love all Christmas songs though to be honest!
9) Favourite Christmas film?
Well, every year I catch myself watching 'Polar Express', but I wouldn't say its my favourite. Probably 'Home Alone'.
10) Open presents before or after lunch?
Definitely before as I'm way too impatient to wait until after. Much respect to anyone who can wait to open them 'til after lunch, well done!

Ho, ho, ho
Thanks a bunch for reading, but before you go.. I tag YOU, yes YOU reading this to do The Christmas Tag. Go on, pass around the Christmas cheer!
geeeboo xox