A selection of my favourite Youtubers... (trust me, there's many more)
I have been a fan of YouTube for as long I can remember. I find it so weird and interesting how literally anyone can set up a camera, do anything they like and then thousands, sometimes even millions of people can view it. Studies state that kids these days spend more time on the internet than they do watching T.V. I am 100% a part of this as I know that I sometimes prefer to watch people on YouTube instead of watching T.V. And I can honestly say that they're usually far more entertaining. There are endless amounts and variations of videos you can watch on YouTube. So today I am going to share with you some of the people / (some may say celebrities) that I enjoy watching the most. What makes a YouTuber good? For me, I like watching people who can either make me laugh, give good advice, make unique and interesting videos, or are talented in some way or another. Even better if all of the above!
Disclaimer: This is in no particular order.
Disclaimer: This is in no particular order.
This is probably one of the funniest guys you will ever see. Kingsley's videos always put me in a good mood, even when he's ranting or talking about something negative he just brings so much energy to it and makes it feel in some way positive. He does random videos on just about anything and everything, and sometimes does little comedy skits as well; which are some of my personal favourites.
If you enjoy laughing so hard it makes you cry, you'll love him.
Tanya Burr- https://www.youtube.com/user/pixi2woo
Even if you're not into makeup/beauty very much, Tanya's sweet and genuine personality will make you enjoy her company. She just seems like such a lovely person and her videos always make me feel calm and happy. Tanya gives great advice on things non beauty related as well, which I appreciate. And I just find her quite relateable and I love seeing what she gets up to in her vlogs, but then again that's probably just as I'm quite a nosy person. Also if you didn't already know, Tanya has released her own nail varnish and lip gloss collection which is now available in selected Superdrug stores around the country, so go check that out too! Lastly, if you want tips/advice on anything from fashion - to beauty - to life from an everyday person, Tanya Burr is your gal.
ilikeweylie- https://www.youtube.com/user/ilikeweylie
You may not have heard of Weylie, but that doesn't justify how chill she is. Even though some of her videos are similar to Tanya's, she really connects with the viewer and she appears to be quite an honest, down to earth person. Her (I guess you could call it) slogan is "I'm the sister you never had.....or the sister you never wanted. Haha"
And I honestly totally agree with that (not the never wanted bit lol), she really makes you feel as if shes your big sister by all the stories and advice she shares, whilst making you laugh at the same time. I guess I also like her as I sometimes see a little bit of myself in her. (Again, making me feel like she's my sister). Weylie doesn't take herself too seriously and she always makes me feel very at home when watching her videos. Also, how she is in some of her older videos and her catchphrases kinda remind me of Raven Symone, y'know from the old T.V show 'That's So Raven'? (OMG DOES ANYONE ELSE MISS THAT PROGRAM LIKE CRAZY?) But seriously, if anyone thinks she reminds them of her too please let me know so I know its not just me...
Adam Waithe- https://www.youtube.com/user/fxckedsociety
Not gunna lie, you probably haven't heard of this person either, this is because he's such a twat and no one likes him. Only joking Adam! ;o No but seriously now, if you're British and have a sense of humor then you'll love Adam. I only say 'if you're British' as most of his jokes and the things he talks about are mainly relating to people who live in the UK. Which is brill' for some of us, but for others from other countries, you unfortunately might not get some of our banter. Again, I enjoy watching his videos as he talks about and makes light of things that a lot of people my age go through and I must say, the guy is pretty good at accents. Occasionally Adam can be serious, and when he is it seems like he genuinely cares and is appreciative of his viewers and believe it or not, he can also give some inspirational (and soppy ;)) advice. But over all, he's just a genuine, funny, good looking guy- he's pulled.
Even if you haven't watched her videos, you have most probably heard of this popular young lady named Zoe Sugg. Again, her videos are in the same genre as Tanya's and Weylies, but I feel like I can closely relate to her as she and I both suffer from anxiety. So I guess she helps me and inspires me with overcoming things in that area and I like to stick by her motto that she shares: 'Just Say Yes'. I definitely look up to her and if it actually wasn't for her and Tanya, I don't think I would have ever even thought about blogging. I enjoy her vlogs as well as they never fail to make me smile and giggle. To conclude, if you're feeling a bit blue or in a negative mood. Zoe's positivity and smile will help to get you out of it for sure.
WhatJeremy- https://www.youtube.com/user/WhatJeremy/featured
Sadly, Jeremy is taking a break from social media for a little while so at the moment there is no videos on his channel as they are on private. But Jeremy has assured us that they will be able to be seen shortly. Anyways, Jeremy attracted me as he is so damn attractive, and his videos were slightly different to any other guys videos' that I'd seen before, perhaps 'cause he's American and most of the guys I watch on YouTube are British. I also die every time he ends his videos with "I love you, like a lot, k bye!" So basically, if you're a straight girl, I warn you that you may just fall head over heels for Jeremy. Lets just hope he gets back onto YouTube real soon!
Incredible Morg- https://www.youtube.com/user/incredblemorg
I must say that Morgan is the sassiest guy I have ever seen, yes, overtaking Kingsley! His videos have me in stitches and I especially love his latest one with his little brother: TOO. MUCH. CUTENESS. I feel like he says everything that I believe and agree with going from everyday situations, to pop culture.
Every time I watch his videos it makes me just want to be his best friend to be honest. If you're a fan girl, you will adore Morgan.
ThatcherJoe- https://www.youtube.com/user/ThatcherJoe
Sorry Adam, but Joe truly is the king of accent challenges! This guy can do just about any accent or impression. Plus his prank call videos are hilarious. I admire how Joe always tries to do things slightly different to others and his videos aren't always predictable. He's also very easy on the eye.
JaackMaate- https://www.youtube.com/user/JaackMaate
Jack has been one of my faves for a long long time. He was probably one of the first people I watched on YouTube and I feel as if I've basically grown up watching him (wipes tear) haha. Similarly to Joe, his videos are never predictable and some in particular have made me laugh so hard that it hurt. I just love how Jack doesn't really care about what anyone thinks of him and in his words, is the only YouTuber who 'has let himself go' and is so relaxed on camera. I have faith that he'll be a professional comedian one day; P.S. Keep trying Jack, you'll meet Ricky Gervais one day! ;)
Bubzbeauty- https://www.youtube.com/user/bubzbeauty
I would also say that Bubz was one of the first beauty YouTubers that I watched. I remember the first video I saw was her 'high school makeup' look and I wanted to look just like her. I definitely grew up with her over the years and she has taught me many things besides beauty too. She makes me feel relaxed and at peace when watching as she gives off a chilled, positive vibe. I actually couldn't believe it when I found out that she's pregnant as it seemed like just yesterday she was this young, cute girl doing school themed videos (of course, you're still young and cute Bubz). In conclusion, she has helped me through my teenage years and most importantly; taught me that beauty truly does start from within.
That's it for a few of my all time favourite YouTubers. As you can tell, I'm quite obsessed. If you're not already I recommend you subscribing to all of these amazing people above ^^^. I am so thankful for YouTube and would not be the person that I am today without it, (I know it sounds silly, don't judge me).
Before you click off, I want to give a special shoutout to this very cool dude that I met recently named Adam (TWITTER: @Balling_Panda). He is just starting out on YouTube and could use your support! He doesn't have many videos at the moment but I can tell that there are many great ones to come. Wishing you all the best with your YouTube channel Adam!
Its so nice to be back from my 'Study Leave'. I have really missed blogging as you can see from my tweets.
See you in the near future!