School part 1
So school is starting in a couple of weeks, oh the joy i know. And most of you are probably either really nervous (like me) or excited...
Ever since I was young I've always hated school, and that's down to a number of reasons. Even before I started school I hated it, I didn't like nursery (kindergarten) either.. haha I'm very hard to please. I think I hated it before I even started because I didn't like the idea of starting something new, and being away from my mum who I'd clung onto ever since I was born basically.
Most people say "oh you'll be fine once you get there" well, most of it was fine, but to be honest a lot of bad things also happened to me once starting school, for example the teachers embarrassed me a lot and didn't really understand me, I was and still am a very anxious and sensitive person, so I might of taken some of the things that happened the wrong way. But anyway, I was my happiest when I wasn't at school, and my saddest when I was.
Yeah, I had friends who helped me get by, but i just think the whole learning process and getting up early and homework and pressure and annoying teachers where the things that made me despise it so much.
Especially now I'm in secondary school, (high school), the pressure is maximized by 100! This is literally the years that your future is depending on, scary shit right? Also secondary school is the place where bullying happens more, the big b.
Thankfully I haven't experienced physical bullying but i have emotionally, and this i think is probably the biggest reason at the moment why I hate school, I don't just hate it because its effected me personally, I hate it because of how it effects others as well, I mean you're going to get bullying in every school, but i don't think schools are doing enough about it and don't always understand how bad it is for some people.
I could actually go on about school forever, but I'm probably boring you so I'll leave it here.
Thanks for reading! Comment if you agree or disagree with my views on school
No you are not boring the reader. I agree with you. Going to school seems like an ardous task. It requires a lot of discipline. Sleeping on time, eating on time, waking up on time, homework etc It was distasteful for me but I began to find joy as well hanging out with friends, sports and adventure. So I think it's a rose. It has thorns as well as the lovely red fragrant colour! Yes a lot of your future depends on how your high school results are but at the same those years are not coming back. I hate bullying too. Hope there is something strict about it. So barring the ugly side, be calm and make the most of this time as it's not coming back!
ReplyDeleteHaha, good to hear! Im gunna do a part 2 of this later, I just didnt want it to be a whole long piece of text, and thank you! And very true :)