Wednesday, 8 January 2014

The Liebster Award!

If you've been following my blog for a while, you may remember when I did this post before. Since then I have been nominated again, but this time by the lovely Tamara - go take a peek at her blog when you're done reading this!

If its your first time hearing of this, here's a brief description of what The Liebster Award is all about:
'The Liebster Award is given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers on BlogLovin' as a way of connecting with other bloggers. Write 11 facts about yourself and answer the 11 questions the blogger who nominated you has asked.'

Lets get into it then!

11 facts about moi...

1. I'm 5'4 and growing.

2. I despise maths. Even thinking about it makes me feel ill, ew.

3. I'm constantly craving either Mcdonalds, Chinese or take away pizza, basically any take away.

4. I don't drink, I hate the taste of alcohol and haven't yet come across one that I like.

5. I hate public transport.

6. In my spare time I do a little bit of photography.

7. I'm crap at saving money.

8. I like walking outside when it's raining as I feel like the umbrella protects me from the world.

9. I haven't been on holiday for years.

10. My favourite product to apply is concealer. Weird I know, but I just get a thrill out of applying and blending it, also it makes such a difference to your face.

11. I speak Spanish besides English. (not fluent though)

11 Questions From Tamara...

1. Why did you start blogging?
Honestly, it was pure boredom. For years I've watched people on YouTube and when I found out that most of them had a blog as well, it made me think- why don't I join them?

2. How many siblings do you have?
I have 1 brother.

3. What is you childhood dream job(this might have changed since then)?
When I was really young, like most little girls, I wanted to be a pop star/dancer/actress, anything that might make me a celebrity basically. Then when I got a little bit older I said I wanted to be a vet, even though I had no idea of most of the things the job includes. Haha

4. If you could make one law, what would it be?
That everyone should show respect to one another. Seriously, where has the love gone? Regularly, I'm shocked by what society has become and I hate how most people just ignore it and act like its normal, but I guess that's because it has become 'normal'. 

5. Have you ever been in a production, whether that be film, musical, or music?
When I was younger I did dancing, singing and drama all at the same club and was in many show cases over the years I was there. Nothing professional or anything though, sadly.

6. Most famous person you have met?
I haven't met anyone anything close to famous yet.

7. Favorite Band?
To be honest I don't have a favourite band, but I like the 1975's and Maroon 5's music.

8. What is the ultimate pet you could have? 
I'd love to have something like a tiger or a wolf as a pet, that'd be cool.

9. The Clothes shop you shop in the most?
Probably New Look or Primark.

10. All time favorite brand(in everything)? 
Soap and Glory.

11. If you could be anybody, who would it be? 
As I've gotten older, I've learned to accept and love being me but if I really had to choose to be someone else, it'd have to be Audrey Hepburn. I idolize her and I'm fascinated by her life.

Thanks so much for reading! Lastly, I nominate YOU, yes YOU for this award (if you have less than 200 followers on bloglovin'). You're welcome. Why not comment the link once you're done so I can have a read too?

geeeboo xox

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