Oh Hey!
I know, I know... its been a minute since I've posted on here. The truth is, I've been putting off blogging like my mum has been putting off eating healthier. Well actually, that's not entirely true... I didn't want to start off my next post with a massive essay of why I haven't been updating my blog, but to get to the point, my life has got a lot busier compared to what it was when I first started blogging and I've been kinda putting it off as well as I haven't had time to think of what I believe is good content and I absolutely despise forced posts, (writing and reading them). So instead of writing about which products I've been loving lately or anything like that, I have decided to talk about a topic which I have a strong opinion on, and also which I've been asked about a few times.
The topic is appearance, in a relationship; does it matter? does it affect attraction? does it affect 'true love'? blah de blah de blah..
When I was younger I used to be quite shallow, if a guy looked a certain way I would automatically be attracted to them, and if they didn't meet the criteria I wouldn't have much interest in them, before I'd even acknowledged their personality. It took me until not too long ago actually to realize that there are guys all over the place with different appearances and different personalities that I was in fact attracted to. And now I don't have a 'type' at all really, I just base it on how they carry themselves, how they treat me, their personality, if they're funny- OMG if they're funny it makes a ha-uuuge difference and looks go pretty much out the window. But basically if a guy has other amazing qualities, the good looks are just a bonus. Yeah sure, it is harder to have a sexual chemistry with someone who you're not attracted to physically, but if their character wins you over or certain things about them not regarding looks does, like the way they present themselves, or their scent, or even if their voice sounds sexy to you!
I discovered one of my favourite quotes about appearance from a certain YouTuber, who I have watched since the dawn of YouTube, under the name 'bubzbeauty': Would you rather drink out of a pretty, decorated cup filled with piss? Or a cracked, ugly cup filled with your favourite drink?
Meaning its what's on the inside that counts at the end of the day... Now I'm sure you've heard that one a million times before haha.
To bring this post to an end, looks do not matter to me, because you could be the most perfect looking supermodel in the world, but if you have an ugly personality I will not be attracted to you, full stop.
Readers are much appreciated,
geeeboo xox
P.S. I can assure you that there won't be such a long wait for the next post!
I prefer a good looking chick who is down to earth. Sexiness always a plus.