Eat your way to beautiful skin!
Do you crave perfect skin? If you do then keep reading as I'm going to show you the super foods that can help you get pretty close!
Vitamin C
Whilst also being an antioxidant, vitamin c helps blemishes heal properly, strengthens the immune system and gives you radiant skin. Sources of this are foods such as blueberries, strawberries, sweet potato, broccoli, oranges, etc.
Stock up on selenium
Selenium is a very powerful antioxidant, it is also essential for the immune system. Studies suggest that a selenium rich diet can prevent skin cancer, sun damage and age spots. Good sources are fish, eggs, tomatoes, and broccoli.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E protects skin from oxidative (cell) damage and supports healthy skin growth. Foods high in vitamin E include avocado, hazelnuts and almonds.
Drink up
I'm sure you all know this anyway but water is the key to all round health, for your skin and your body. It flushes out toxins and anything bad in your body which will overall clear up your skin. You should be drinking around 6-8 glasses a day, so drink up!
Thanks for reading and i hope you take this information on board :) Comment/Follow @geeeboo on twitter
Really good post! :-) I better go and munch some tomatoes :-) xx
Thank you! haha me too ;) xx