Sunday, 8 September 2013

Hate homework?


Anyone who has a brain knows what homework is, but how many people actually enjoy it? 
I feel as if through primary school, homework was fine, it was simple and easy, but even then i didn't like it. I found it annoying and boring as I'm sure most kids did and i normally didn't understand it as i was quite a dumb child. But even though i don't recall it, it probably did help me in some way.

Then once i got to secondary school the homework increased massively, and punishments for not handing it in was way more extreme. I hate the idea of getting punished, call me a wimp or a goody too shoes, but i just have always hated it, i also find it quite embarrassing. So i always make sure i have my homework done before i go back to school.

I hate the fact that you spend all day, from Monday to Friday at school, only to get home just to do MORE work! Crazy right? Its like we might as well not even bother going home because at least at school you'll have the help of your teachers and other resources, where as when im at home im kind of scared to ask my parents for help as they look down at me for it, and end up getting into an argument if i still don't understand it even after they've explained to me how to do it. It makes me feel stupid and like a failure sometimes and i would rather just not go through it. 

So still on the fact that it takes up practically our entire lives, only leaving us a few hours of free time instead of 2 whole days on the weekend, it adds to my stress. Leaving the free time i do have to not be enjoyed as much because i know in my head that very soon i will have to go back to school to do and receive even more. Ok, rant over. Now i gotta go.. i have homework to do

This is just my views and opinions on this topic. Feel free to comment yours! Follow me on here and on twitter too please @geeeboo it'd really mean a lot. As always thanks for reading :) 


  1. I enjoyed homework as going through what you learnt on that day is very important as you might not understand the next portion the next day. After school, I always played for two hours and then homework. I always was a topper :)

  2. True:) haha this is a very biased post
