Ways to pass an exam
Its gotten to that stage where most of you are taking your exams this/next year, as am I. I know the stress and the confusion it can cause, so hopefully these tips will help you like they have me. Good luck!
1) Start revising early!
By this I mean months, not days before your exam. Making a time table helps stick to this. Trust me it'll all pay off in the long run.
2) Do a lot of practice exams!
I think this ones pretty obvious why it helps. If you find out what you're weak at early on, it'll be easier to solve it before the exam comes around!
3) Take short breaks!
Not every 20 minutes, every hour!
4) Stick revision notes/flash cards all over your room!
Preferably on a mirror or somewhere you will be viewing often. This will make you memorize facts much better as they will be drilled into your memory.
5) Don't just read stuff, write it down!
You need to write stuff down in order to get it into your brain, especially if its a boring topic, just reading it wont do any good, you'll forget it in about 10 seconds! Also this way you can look back and go over it. There's no point in spending an hour revising if you're not even going to remember it!
6) Make sure you have drinks/snacks!
So you don't find excuses to stop.
7) Find the right environment!
Not in front of the TV, or listening to the radio. Music can sometimes be ok, but you need to find the right kind. It's got to be something that's just there in the background that you're not thinking about at all. Music without singing is better as you won't be tempted to dance around the room.
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