Sunday 13 April 2014


I can honestly say that until a few days ago I hadn't flossed since about 3 years ago. Hold on, hold on, before you judge me, this is due to me having braces. Yep I have 'em, which is something you probably didn't know about me. So basically since I first got my braces me (and my dentist) always dismissed flossing as they and I believed that you simply couldn't floss with braces as the wires are in the way.

However, when I was roaming the isles of Boots I came across a packet of 'Super floss' by Oral-B, which is basically a threader with floss attached to one end. I was amazed that I'd never even heard of, let alone seen anything like this before. Floss threaders allow you to floss by threading the solid tip underneath the brace wire, so that you can floss like you would before. Even though its more time-consuming and can be a bit fiddly to begin with, it means that your teeth and gums will be much healthier! - As flossing is a whole lot more important when you have braces.
I really don't understand why the dentist/orthodontist never recommended these, as I believe that they aren't a brand new product as when I did my research when I got home (you know me), I found a lot of people on YouTube who have spoke about them too. Although, the people were from the USA so maybe they just aren't as well-known here as they are there.
Anyways, back to the product. It comes in a small box as you can see in the picture, containing lots and lots of floss threaders which seem as if they'll last you a long, long time.

I'm so pleased that I've finally found this product, too bad that I discovered it when I'm near the end of my orthodontic journey (hopefully).

I recommend any type of floss threader to everyone who has braces and hasn't been flossing as a result of believing that they just couldn't.

Thank you for reading, luvs!

geeeboo xox


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