Wednesday 8 July 2015

Perfect (CHEAP) Nude Lip Combo

Hey all,

I went to Superdrug the other day and I wasn't expecting to buy anything in particular, until I saw Rimmel's new Kate Moss Nude lipstick collection staring right at me as soon as I walked in.  The thing that attracted me towards them was the colour matching chart underneath the lipsticks.  It basically tells you what shade of nude will compliment your skin tone the best, which I thought was so handy as the main reason why I didn't really wear nude lip colours before was because they were never the correct shade and just made me look like I had foundation lips.

By the way, if you're not sure what your skin tone is, all you have to do is look at your inner wrists in natural daylight and if your veins appear more greenish in colour then you have a warm undertone, and if you have more blue veins overall then you have a cool undertone.  However, if you have an equal amount of both then you have a neutral tone.

Another thing that attracted me to this product was the packaging, its so cute I just adore the colour!  (As you can see from the pictures)

Enough about the packaging, if anyone was wondering which shade I got, it was number 45 as I believe that my skin is cool toned, so that is the shade that the chart told me to get.  I was having doubts as to whether I picked the correct colour still but when I finally tried it on at home I was honestly so pleased with the outcome!  Its basically the perfect nude for me, which I feel like everyone should have for themselves.   Plus, can I just say it also smells/tastes absolutely divine (not that I eat it of course, but you know when you can kinda taste it a little) and the texture is really creamy and lovely, its a dream to work with.

The price of these are £5.49 each from Superdrug stores.

Now of course I needed a new lip liner to go with my new lipstick, so I bought the Max Factor Colour Elixir liner in the shade 06 Mauve Moment.  Its a slightly darker, more rosier shade of the lipstick colour and it was only £4.99!

I am really happy with this product as well, because its not drying at all unlike some and it stays put for a while too, even after eating, etc.

I'm probably going to wear these two for the rest of my life now hahah.

So, what's YOUR go-to lip combination at the moment??  Be sure to let me know in the comments!

geeeboo xox


Friday 29 May 2015



 Day 1

Day 14

I had very high expectations of this product as I have never seen a single bad review about it, hey maybe I'll be the first!  

The thing that attracted me to cocowhite so much is that I had seen a hell of a lot of celebrities promoting the product on social media and when I saw the price it just made me instantly need it in my life.  Its only £19.99 for 14 satches, which is so much cheaper than I expected as other tooth whitening kits are normally super expensive, well in my eyes anyway.  Another thing that gravitated me towards it was reading about all of it's benefiting properties to not only your oral health but your skin, mental and overall bodily health.  It apparently reduces headaches, help get your skin in better condition and makes you feel more energized.  All of this whilst making your smile brighter, decreasing bad breath, and fighting against bacteria and plaque on the teeth/gums.  

Honestly though, I don't believe that this product did any of those things, well not that I could recall on anyway.  My body felt pretty much the same, my skin actually had some pretty bad breakouts during the 14 days, although I kinda label that down to menstruation, I'm not too sure if my breath got any fresher as I chew gum pretty much every day normally.  But most importantly I didn't notice my teeth become any whiter, no one around me noticed any difference either which was disappointing, as that's the main reason I tried oil pulling in the first place! 

 I followed the manufacturers instructions and swirled the coconut oil round and around for 15 minutes (which isn't as difficult as you think), sometimes a little longer to get the full effect.  I did this every night before I brushed, as recommend.  So I have completely no idea as to what went wrong, as I've seen pictures online where people have shown that their teeth became significantly whiter as early as 3 days into the process!  Perhaps they were using bleaching products as well or something, who knows.  
However I do use a whitening toothpaste, and even my bloody chewing gum has whitening maintaining properties!  Maybe if I just used cocowhite alone my teeth would have actually gotten more yellow... haha. 

I would still recommend trying this out for yourself as some people have been luckier than me with their results it seems, and considering how affordable the price is you might as well just give it a go if you're curious, otherwise you'll never know.  The product caused no harm to me so I have nothing extremely specific to complain about, I'm just a little disappointed that my teeth didn't make the transformation that I have seen on others after the 2 week period.  (Which, can I just say, went so quickly!)

I just wanted to warn you with this post to not get your hopes up too high about this product, as I feel as if I've been deceived slightly. 

Until next time, 



Monday 4 May 2015

'cause i'm appy

All time favourite apps 

Hey hey hey,

I don't actually have that many apps on my iPhone, but the ones I do have I sure get good use out of!  This is because I don't really like to have random apps that I hardly even use just lurking around on my phone  taking up space, I guess I'm a bit OCD like that... 

But anyway, in today's post I've decided to share with you the apps that I frequently use and love.  I personally love reading/watching these posts/videos myself as I'm always on the lookout for new apps. 

Número uno~ my favourite social apps are of course Instagram/Twitter/Snapchat/Facebook etc, but I don't need to explain those for you as I'm pretty sure you already know the drill.  

So let's start the list again shall we...

1. Vinted:  If you're always online shopping and love to find great bargains, then you seriously should have Vinted on your phone!  It's basically like eBay for fashion except you don't bid on items.  I personally haven't bought anything off there myself yet, but I love going on there to browse through different clothes and deals.  This app is great because you can enter your size of clothing/shoes and that way only items in your size show up on your news feed, and you can follow your favourite brands and see what other people are selling within that brand, it's so cool! 

2. Whisper:  Shhh, don't tell anyone but  I confess all of my darkest secrets to the world of whisper... Okay not dark, just secrets haha.  But seriously whisper is such a good app to have on your phone when you just want to let your thoughts out into the open, whatever they may be.   And the best part is that you can stay anonymous, so you don't have to worry about anyone you know finding your posts on there!  Similar to Instagram, there's a popular page of what people around the world are 'whispering' and you can like/comment on them.  The only down side to this app is that you sometimes get pervs on there asking for personal details and ridiculous questions and what not, but I guess you get that everywhere online these days. 

3. SoundCloud:  I'm sure most of you know what SoundCloud is, but if you don't it's basically an app that let's you listen to free music, I use it instead of YouTube sometimes as you can lock your phone screen and it still plays.  The downside to this app is that you can't find every song you want and sometimes you can only find remixes and covers (shit) of the song you want when all you want is the original.  Music is seriously my biggest addiction so I cannot live without this app!  (I'm currently listening to Shut Up And Dance by Walk The Moon as I type this). 

4. CheckMark:  If you're like me and are constantly forgetting your to-do list, then you need this app.  There is no way of forgetting when this app notifies you like an alarm when you're getting close to your deadline and it has a constant little red number next to the app to remind you whenever you look on your home screen which accords to how ever many jobs you have to do.  The thing I most love about this is that you can check off your tasks when you've done them, which to me is sooo satisfying! 

5. National Rail:  Since I use trains to travel quite a lot, this app is perfect for me as I can check what time my train is coming, what platform it's on, if it's been delayed, etc.  It is a life saver! 

6. Google Translate: This may seem a bit weird to you that this is one of my fav apps but let me tell you that it does actually come in handy for me!  For example, there may be a time that I'm reading something or I hear a foreign word on TV and want to know the translation of it, and instead of going onto google and typing it all in, it's so much quicker to just use this app!  Or if I'm bored and just curious about words in other languages, I'll have a quick play on it, it can be way more fun than you may think! 

7. Pinterest:  I only downloaded Pinterest at around the end of last year, but if you're a creative person then this is definitely the app for you.  You can find just about anything on Pinterest and it's full of creative, artsy content and even tips and advice on subjects.  I certainly get a lot of my makeup inspiration from here and it helps clear my mind to pin all of my ideas onto digital pin boards. 

8. Bloglovin:  This one's an obvious one, you may even be reading this on bloglovin' right now!  Bloglovin' is usually responsible for my inspiration and motivation to blog, so therefore I thank it greatly.  I scroll through it like it's the morning newspaper.  Even if you don't have a blog yourself but just like to read posts, you NEED to get this app if you haven't already, once you do you will never take it off your phone!   

9. InstaSize: Ever taken a picture that's perfect and you can't wait to upload it to Instagram, but when you try to, you realize that it doesn't fit the square required? We've all been there, but with InstaSize you will never have to sacrifice an amazing picture again!  It adjusts the size of your picture making it a suitable fit, allowing you to upload it straight to Insta. There are also some cool effects and features on this app besides the adjusting of size which I use frequently as well.

10. VSCOcam:  Your pictures will look 'so tumblr' after using this app, it has the most indie effects you will ever find, transforming my boring pictures to cool ones.  Seriously good for photographers as well!  It's my go-to editing app for sure. 

Please do comment YOUR favourite apps below, I'd absolutely love to see them as like I said earlier, I'm always on the hunt for more apps! 

geeeboo xox


Sunday 26 April 2015

Never visit a hair salon again!

I'm sure that most of you have never heard of the creaclip (creativeclip), but if you have then you'll know exactly what I mean when I say that this thing is probably one of the best inventions I have ever seen! 

So what is this wonderful device you say?
Well, the creaclip is a hair cutting tool that you can use in the privacy of your own home, or even when you're outside if you prefer (I've seen a video of a girl trimming her hair on the beach, YES, the beach in practically under a minute with this thing!).  Showing that it really is so easy and quick to use, you can trim the whole length of your hair, trim your fringe, cut in a fringe/side fringe, give your hair layers and all of that stuff. 
If you hate going to the hairdressers as much as I do, you'll be glad to know that you'll probably never have to go again after getting this! *HALLELUJAH*.  Unless of course you decide you want more of a drastic change to your hairstyle, then it'd be better to go to a professional.  However, this is going to save you a lot of money on trims in between. 

I would go into depth of how exactly you use the clip, but that's quite hard to do and it's much simpler to just show you.  Here is a link to numerous videos to show you how exactly it works. 
You can either do it yourself or have someone else do it for you. 
Basically you just clip the tool into your hair, slide it down until you get to the point of hair you want to cut off, check the built in spirit level to make sure its balanced and trim either with a pair of hairdressing scissors, or an electric razor if you want a blunter look.  You can either cut straight across with your scissors or at a 45 degree angle to give your hair a more layered, textured look that gives the same result as the professionals would. 

To be honest with you, I'm not sure if you can use this on wet hair or not, as from all of the videos I've seen they've only been demonstrated on dry, straight hair.  So if you don't have naturally straight hair I'd recommend straightening your hair before hand, as do hairdressers before a dry cut.  

I ordered this on amazon at the cheap price of around £8, the package arrived a speedy few days later including 2 clips, a white clip for the longer ends of your hair and a smaller, blue clip for shorter areas of your hair.  
Men can also use this product too, so you would use the smaller clip and a professional razor to cut the hair.  Its probably best if someone else cuts the man's hair though as I'd imagine it'd be hard to reach back there yourself and see carefully what you're doing at the same time.

Even though its a lot cheaper to purchase this from amazon, I would recommend buying it from the official website, as the spirit level on one of the clips I have seems to be broken, and the ones I have are not from the original brand as the instructions on the packet are in a foreign language and the appearance of them is slightly different to the originals, other than that it works fine and I'm happy with it!  I was just in such a rush when I ordered it so I bought the cheapest one I could find seeing as it had good reviews.  I now wish that I ordered it from the original website just to be safe. 
Official website: 

I discovered this device a little while ago when a certain YouTuber I watch made a video about it, however for some reason I didn't get round to actually getting it myself until now. I'm so glad I did, and I recommend it to everyone out there who wants a free, under 5 minute haircut.  It doesn't matter what type of hair you have, anyone can use this!

As always, thanks for reading.  And if you happen to try this out yourself/ already have, be sure to comment your thoughts on it or if you write a post on it make sure you share the link with me! 

geeeboo xox


Saturday 28 March 2015

A New Discovery

Hola readers,

I had previously heard a little bit about hot cloth cleansers online here and there but never actually went and tried one out myself, however I can now honestly say that I will never look back!  I was browsing through M&S con mi madre and she picked up a box of this hot cloth cleanser, it appealed to the both of us as its the first one either of us had seen in person, and considering it was only £10, she kindly decided to treat me to a box as well.  From what we could see, this was the only brand on the shelf in the store so I'm not sure if there are any others available.  But I believe this is just Marks and Spencer's own brand called: 'Pure Natural Beauty'.  I was seriously so amazed by the price of this though!  As normally M&S can be quite pricey, especially with beauty products, so this was a nice surprise indeed.

If you're not aware of what a hot cloth cleanser is exactly, it's basically a cleanser cream (usually good quality) which you massage into the face and neck as you would normally cleanse, then once you've worked it into the skin, you take the little cloth/flannel which comes inside the package, soak it with hot/warm water and polish the product off in circular motions to "reveal clean, radiant skin" as the instructions state on the back of the box.  The best thing about this is that it actually works for me!  I wasn't expecting to see many results from this because of the price and all, plus I'd never heard of it before, but I use this every 3/4 days and it gives my skin that pick-me-up boost that it needs.  Not to mention it makes my skin feel extremely smooth afterwards, I have to control myself from touching my face all night after I use this!
Another great thing about this product is that its eco-friendly.  Oh and it smells nice too, to me it smells quite lavender-y but I don't think that that's one of the ingredients in it so I'm not sure why I think that exactly...

To conclude, I really really like this product and I will probably continue to use it until I find one I like more.  I recommend it to anyone out there who hasn't tried it yet as I think its a brilliant, inexpensive way to give your skin a deep cleanse whilst still being gentle.

También, I thought since I began this post with 'Hola' I might as well carry on using Spanish words throughout.  In case anyone was wondering, I am not Spanish myself and neither is anyone else in my clan that I know of, I learnt the language when I was at school and now just enjoy using random español to make me feel/appear smarter and to spice things up I guess, lol. #yesijustsaidlol 

Thanks a bunch for reading!  Or should I say muchas gracias?

geeeboo xox


Monday 23 March 2015

Do Looks Seriously Matter???

Oh Hey!

I know, I know... its been a minute since I've posted on here.  The truth is, I've been putting off blogging like my mum has been putting off eating healthier.  Well actually, that's not entirely true... I didn't want to start off my next post with a massive essay of why I haven't been updating my blog, but to get to the point, my life has got a lot busier compared to what it was when I first started blogging and I've been kinda putting it off as well as I haven't had time to think of what I believe is good content and I absolutely despise forced posts, (writing and reading them).  So instead of writing about which products I've been loving lately or anything like that, I have decided to talk about a topic which I have a strong opinion on, and also which I've been asked about a few times.

The topic is appearance, in a relationship; does it matter? does it affect attraction? does it affect 'true love'? blah de blah de blah..

When I was younger I used to be quite shallow, if a guy looked a certain way I would automatically be attracted to them, and if they didn't meet the criteria I wouldn't have much interest in them, before I'd even acknowledged their personality.  It took me until not too long ago actually to realize that there are guys all over the place with different appearances and different personalities that I was in fact attracted to.  And now I don't have a 'type' at all really, I just base it on how they carry themselves, how they treat me, their personality, if they're funny- OMG if they're funny it makes a ha-uuuge difference and looks go pretty much out the window.  But basically if a guy has other amazing qualities, the good looks are just a bonus.  Yeah sure, it is harder to have a sexual chemistry with someone who you're not attracted to physically, but if their character wins you over or certain things about them not regarding looks does, like the way they present themselves, or their scent, or even if their voice sounds sexy to you!

I discovered one of my favourite quotes about appearance from a certain YouTuber, who I have watched since the dawn of YouTube, under the name 'bubzbeauty': Would you rather drink out of a pretty, decorated cup filled with piss? Or a cracked, ugly cup filled with your favourite drink?

Meaning its what's on the inside that counts at the end of the day...  Now I'm sure you've heard that one a million times before haha.

To bring this post to an end, looks do not matter to me, because you could be the most perfect looking supermodel in the world, but if you have an ugly personality I will not be attracted to you, full stop.

Readers are much appreciated,

geeeboo xox

P.S. I can assure you that there won't be such a long wait for the next post!