Tuesday 26 November 2013

The Christmas Tag!

Guess what?
As you can tell I'm very excited.. no matter how old I get, Christmas will always be my favourite time of year.
Basically, I've seen 'The Christmas Tag' done by other bloggers recently, and thought why not hop on the bandwagon and get my readers into the Christmas spirit as well!

3,2,1, begin!

1) Do you prefer a real/synthetic Christmas tree? Hmm well I do like the smell of a real tree but to have in my living room, I think I'd rather go with synthetic as I don't like having needles all over the floor, plus they're reusable!

2) You're in a coffee shop, its December, what do you order?
It has to be a nice warm hot chocolate!

3) What's your favourite colour scheme to decorate the Christmas tree?
I usually go for the traditional red and green but sometimes go for gold and silver as well. If I had to say my favourite I'd say red and green.

4) Do you prefer to give or receive gifts?
Ooh, this ones a toughie. I really cant chose between these as I'll sound so selfish if I say receive, as I'm a sucker for gifts. However, I do love the warm fuzzy feeling you get when seeing someone delighted with your present. I'm gunna say both!

5) Do you like mince pies?
Nooo, as much as I try to enjoy them, I can't.

6) What's your favourite Christmas lunch?
Again, going with the tradition, it can't be anything but a roast! Consisting of turkey/chicken, roast potatoes, veg, (yes, including sprouts) and sometimes even yorkshire puddings. All topped off with gravy.. yum!

7) What's your Christmas day fashion?
I normally either just stay in my pjs, or put on some comfy leggings and a baggy, woolly jumper as I wont be leaving the house all day. Fun fact: I've never owned a Christmas jumper! I really want one for this year though, but not sure if its worth the money as I'll only be wearing it for like 1-2 days a year.. haha do you guys think I should get one?

8) What's your favourite Christmas song?
I love Mariah Carey's 'All I Want For Christmas Is You', whenever I hear it on the radio I know its Christmas time! I also like 'Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas', as it just reminds me of my childhood. I love all Christmas songs though to be honest!

9) Favourite Christmas film?
Well, every year I catch myself watching 'Polar Express', but I wouldn't say its my favourite. Probably 'Home Alone'.

10) Open presents before or after lunch? 
Definitely before as I'm way too impatient to wait until after. Much respect to anyone who can wait to open them 'til after lunch, well done!

Ho, ho, ho
Thanks a bunch for reading, but before you go.. I tag YOU, yes YOU reading this to do The Christmas Tag. Go on, pass around the Christmas cheer!

geeeboo xox

Saturday 23 November 2013

Cure for acne?

The Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque

I bought this face mask a while ago, but wanted to wait a while before I did a review of it so that I could see the full results. It comes in a massive tub and considering I only use a little bit once a week, I can tell its going to last me some time. You can either purchase it in a tube or a tub like mine, which are available off of amazon at super cheap prices!

The question you're probably wondering is- does it work? 
Yes, it does! It claims to draw out impurities and shrink pores which I definitely agree with! After just a few weeks of using this, myself and everyone around me noticed a difference in my skin, I started receiving compliments on how clear it looked, which is a first for me. Even after the first use my pores felt tighter and looked less noticeable, my skin felt smooth and cleaner as well. Although, I still do get the odd spot, but that's kind of expected when you're a teenage girl. Overall my skin is in much better condition than what it was before I started using this product. 

It feels really nice when its on too! Since its a mint mask it has a cooling effect and it sort of tingles, making it feel like its working deep into the skin. And it smells A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. If you're a mint lover like me, you'll for sure love this!

Even if most of my face is clear, I just pop on a little bit on certain areas, leave it for 15/20 mins and it works like a charm! 

I'd recommend this to anyone with problem skin. 

So tell me, what face masks/treatments are you loving at the moment?

geeeboo xox

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Transform your eyes with eyeliner!

We all have different eye shapes, whether they be round, almond, hooded, close set, wide set etc.
If you're looking for a quick and simple way to 'correct' your eye shape, here's how you can with the help of an eyeliner! You can use any eyeliner you like, but I think that liquid/gel looks best if you want to achieve these looks.

Do you have wide set eyes?
Line the whole of your upper lash line, into the inner corners and 1/4 of a way on the lower water line. This will help your eyes look closer together. 

Do you have droopy eyes?
Apply eyeliner on your upper lash line, winging it up and out at the end. This will lift droopy eyes.

Do you have small eyes?

Again, line your upper lash line, but instead of flicking the wing up at the end, drag it outwards to the sides. The aim here is the elongate the eyes, so the longer the wing.. the longer/bigger your eyes look.

Do you have round eyes? 

If you want your eyes to look more almond shaped, line your upper lash line starting where your iris begins and line all the way to the outer edge of your eye, also line the outer corners of your lower lash line and water line. Then with a white eyeliner, line the inner corners and drag it through your lower water line 'till it meets the black eyeliner on your outer corners. 

Do you have almond eyes?

If you want your eyes to appear more round and circular- line your upper lash line, making it thicker at the center, just above the center of your iris. Following by lining your lower water line with a white eyeliner, this will make the eyes appear bigger and brighter. Underneath your lower lash line using a black eyeliner, again, line all the way making the center slightly thicker, as if you're drawing a small 'v'. 

Thank you very much for reading! 
Feel free to comment/follow and all dat jazz ;)

geeeboo xox

Saturday 16 November 2013

TAGGED: 'This or That'

Hello there! I've just been tagged by the lovely Louise to do the 'this or that' tag. It basically consists of answering a bunch of 'this or that' style questions, telling you which one I prefer. 

Lets begin!


>  Blusher or bronzer? Blusher
> Lip gloss or lipstick? Lipstick
> Eyeliner or mascara? Mascara
> Foundation or concealer? Concealer
> Natural or colourful eye shadow? I love a mixture of both but probably natural as that's what I wear day to day.
> Pressed or loose eye shadow? Pressed (not as messy, haha)


> O.P.I or China glaze? China glaze
> Long or short? Long, but not too long!
> Acrylic or natural? Natural, acrylics get annoying after a while!
> Flowers or no flowers? I'm not really sure, depends on what season it is.

> Perfume or body spray? Perfume
> Lotion or body butter? Body butter
> Body wash or soap? Body wash
> Lush or other brands? Other brands, I love soap and glory more! Sorry lush..


> Jeans or sweatpants? Sweatpants all da way
> Long or short sleeves? Long sleeves
> Flip- flops or sandals? Flip- flops
> Scarves or hats? Scarves
> Studs or dangly earrings? Studs
> Jackets or hoodies? Hoodies, but I do love a nice jacket as well.


> Curly or straight? Straight
> Bun or ponytail? Buns, they're so comfy!
> Bobby pins or butterfly clips? Bobby pins
> Long or short? Long
> Light or dark hair? Both
> Up or down? Depends, but mostly up.

> Rain or shine? I like the rain, but I hate it when it messes up my hair, so I have to say sunshine!
> Summer or winter? Winter
> Chocolate or vanilla? Definitely chocolate!

Thanks for reading! 

I tag the following bloggers:

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Satisfying Sausage Rolls!

SUPER EASY sausage, bacon and leek rolls

If you follow me on twitter then you'll know that recently I've been making quite a lot of sausage rolls.. I just can't get enough! SO, I thought I'd share with you the recipe to make these simple little treats, also I don't know about you but sausage rolls remind me of Christmas, so hopefully these will help you get into the Christmas spirit! - I cant believe we're only 1 month away, ahh!

450g sausage meat (for sausages with the skin removed)
3 rashers bacon, finely chopped
375g pack Jus-Rol All Butter Puff Pastry
1 egg, beaten, (to glaze)

Ready, Steady, Cook!

1) Preheat the oven to 220C/gas 7. Mix together sausage meat and bacon.

2) Unroll the puff pastry sheet and cut in half length ways to give you 2 long rectangles. Place half the sausage mixture along one of the rectangles, off center, so there is a wide strip of pastry one side and a narrower one the other.

3) Brush the narrower side lightly with beaten egg, then fold over the wider side to cover the sausage mixture. Press the pastry firmly together and trim off to straighten the edge. Knock up the edges by gently tapping against the join with a knife to help seal it.

4) Cut the strip into 6 equal pieces. Repeat with the remaining pastry and sausage meat. Place on a baking tray, make cuts in the top of the rolls with a sharp knife and glaze with beaten egg. Bake for 20 mins or until the pastry is golden and well risen.

And you're done! 

I hope you enjoy this recipe, they truly do taste amazing and much better than store bought ones!

Thank you,
geeeboo xox

Saturday 9 November 2013

Could you handle the fame?

Could you handle strange men following you with cameras every time you step out of a car, the whole world watching your every move, the media waiting for you to slip up so they can destroy you?
I've been thinking about this quite a bit recently, from seeing celebrities in bad press a lot. It made me think how hard it is to be in the limelight, we all think the celeb life is easy and fun, we think its all money, limos, VIP treatment, etc. And yes they are the perks of the job, but sometimes we are too quick to judge a celebrity on something we've seen on the internet or in a magazine, perhaps if they've had a "meltdown" or whatever way the media choose to exaggerate it. We think, "why are they acting like that? they have it all? they're so ungrateful!" etc...

I used to dream of being famous, as I'm sure most little girls/boys did and still do. But to be honest, after thinking about it now I'm older, I'm not sure I'd want to be famous. I don't think I could cope with the pressure and I don't really take criticism very well at all. Nothing frustrates me more than when someone starts a rumor about you, and nearly all of your peers believe it, but you cant prove yourself to them. So imagine how frustrating it is having the whole world believing something the media said about you that wasn't even true, and everywhere you go you have haters shouting at you telling you to "go die", commenting and judging on every little thing you do. Or walking down the street and having paps yell the worst possible things in your face to make you look angry or sad in a picture they can sell to a magazine and use to say that you're having a 'public melt down', or you're on drugs or some other fake story that they know their viewers will believe. As they don't realize that celebrities are HUMAN and they have FEELINGS as well. Hard to believe right?
Imagine the feeling of having no privacy what so ever, making friends would be quite hard too, you wouldn't know who actually likes you and wants to get to know you as a normal human being, and who just wants to use you for publicity/money. I guess you'd feel quite lonely most of the time.

Having to face fans, interviewers, crowds and paps everyday, even when you feel your worst, having to put on a smile and forget about any troubles that you were having behind the scenes, and just 'smile for the camera'. It'd feel like you were living a lie, one that you cant escape.

I take my hat off to any celebrity out there, big or small. As they're willing to give up their life (well a 'normal' life anyway) to live their dream. Its a harder career than it looks.

Think twice before you judge someone on something you've read or seen in the media, you think you know the whole story but you don't, none of us do except them. Remember: the media twist and exaggerate everything and never include the whole story, just the stuff they know will sell and attract more viewers/readers. Its very easy to get caught up in their lies and actually believe everything they're writing, that's what they want us to do.

Comment your views on this topic, I'd love to hear! And as always, thanks for reading.
geeeboo xox

Sunday 3 November 2013

Give your nails a pamper- Home remedies

Show your nails some love! 

Sometimes we just don't give our nails enough attention, me being guilty of this as well. 
When you think about it, our nails go through quite a lot; cleaning, scrubbing, cooking, weather, etc. If you try the steps I'm about to show you, they'll thank you in return! 

Step 1) Remove all traces of nail varnish.

Step 2) Soak your nails.
 Fill up a microwavable bowl with some Extra Virgin Olive Oil and pop it in the microwave for about 25 seconds, making sure its not too hot, and then dip your fingers in!
Leave your nails to soak up the oil for about 5 minutes, this will give them time to condition and strengthen. 

    Step 3) Don't forget your hands! 
Once the 5 minutes is up, take the remains of oil and massage it into your hands, then cover with some rubber gloves and leave them on for about 20-30 minutes. You can leave them on for as long as you want but the longer the better!

Step 4) Rinse, rinse, rinse!
Your hands should feel really soft and supple!

Step 5) You can go ahead and apply some of your favourite hand cream to lock in the moisture!
But now its time to buff/polish the nails, this will just smooth out any rough edges but will also make your nail varnish last longer! 

Step 6) Push your cuticles back.

Step 7) Paint those babies!
You can go for whatever colour you like, but I think that a light, simple colour will finish this off nicely and keep the nails looking clean.

Hope you try this out, it really does wonders to your hands and can all be done in the comfort of your own home!

Thank you,
geeeboo xox

Friday 1 November 2013

Favourite Lippy of the week!

Whats my favourite lipstick this week?


Rimmel Moisture Renew Lipstick- Vintage Pink

I have to admit, this isn't actually my lipstick.. its my mother's. I was rummaging through her makeup bag, as you do, and came across this lipstick which looked a little un used. So, after asking her about it she decided to give it to me (yay). The colour stood out to me as at the moment, I'm all things autumn and I felt that this was a slightly autumn shade of lipstick, and one that I didn't have in my collection already. 

Its quite hard to explain what this colour actually looks like, as the pictures don't capture exactly how it looks in person. But I'd say its like a frosted pink/plum/berry shade, if that helps at all haha. Its not a very warm colour, that's why I felt it was great for this time of year. 

Anyways, it feels really nice and moisturizing once its on, but I found that it didn't last very long on my lips, which was slightly annoying. Also the colour is not too overpowering, it can look quite nude and natural if only a little is applied.

Overall, this is my favourite lipstick at the moment as the colour is in trend with autumn, and I just  feel good wearing it as I think it suits my skin tone well. 

Price: £6.29 from Superdrug. 

As usual thanks for reading! Comment me your favourite lipstick of the week, Id love to hear from you :)

geeeboo xox

My November Wishlist!

Hello there! I thought it'd be fun to do a November Wishlist tag/post, so here are a few things I wish I owned...
  The Naked 2 Palette by Urban Decay-
I've wanted this palette for so long now but as its quite pricey, I've never got round to saving up for it. (I'm so bad at saving money). It may not seem very expensive for some people, but me being my teenage self, I don't have a lot in the bank.. haha. Ever since I layed eyes on this I've wanted it, the colours are just so nice and so wearable. 

Fujifilm Instax-
These cameras are the cutest little things I've ever seen! The range of colours was the first thing that attracted me, but the overall shape is just so unique and sweet. 

Panda Case for iPods-
I absolutely LOVE pandas! They're like one of my favourite animals, so of course I'd love to have this as my iPod case.

Bourjois blushers-
Other beauty bloggers who own these have nothing but positive things to say about them, and I really should get round to purchasing one but I either always forget when I'm out, or I never have enough money on me etc! I'm not sure which colour I'd get, but I really wanna try these as they seem lovely!

Thanks for reading my November Wishlist, hopefully I'll manage to get at least one of the above during this month! As always please Follow/Comment :)
geeeboo xox